Mourned the death of the Palestinian assembly in Italy Bishop Hilarion Kpoja bishop of the Roman Catholic Church in Jerusalem and praised his virtues and his struggles and his commitment to the cause of Palestine Fair
The assembly said in a statement in this regard that the departure of Bishop Kpoja in exile in Rome is a painful event on the hearts of the Palestinian people everywhere, who retains the deceased highly appreciated
He praised the assembly, including his late support of Palestinian rights and suffered from a prison and deportation for Palestine, pointing to his commitment to upholding the Voice of Palestine in the world and not least through its participation in the Freedom Flotilla to break the siege on Gaza in 2010
And re-assembly to mind the struggles of the deceased for the sake of Palestine and suffered from a prison and keep him committed to the rights of the Palestinian people and its freedom
Assembly and he added that the late Bishop remained committed to the cause of Palestine and holds spent in exile in Rome for decades and we touched him directly coping with developments in Palestine and concern them has remained a believer in the inevitability of the victory of the Palestinian people, even the passage of time
The progress of the Palestinian assembly in Italy in his statement to Bishop Hilarion Kpoja lovers everywhere sincere condolences and said that his memory will remain alive in the consciousness of generations of Palestinians will not be erased
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