Recall Galaxy Note 7 did not have much effect on Samsung's profits

A campaign called up the phone Galaxy Note 7 and withdrawn from the market a large financial losses for the company Samsung, and losses exactly not yet been determined but is expected to exceed approximately US $ 1 billion.
While the phone was Galaxy Note 7 as bad news for Samsung, it appears that the South Korean company is about to announce the largest profit in the last three years. In fact, I have Samsung today to disclose its financial results is final (approximate) for the fourth quarter of 2016, the company revealed that it is expected to achieve a consolidated operating profit of 9.2 trillion won, which is equivalent to US $ 7.2 billion based on current exchange rates
For comparison, Samsung Corporation has won a unified operating profit amounted to US $ 5.2 billion in the fourth quarter of 2015, so it seems that while the Galaxy Note 7 a problem for the company, it was not a serious financial influenced by Al profits.


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